Remedies to Boost Your Immune System

As a physician office, we understand and share our patients’ concerns about the spread of Coronavirus/COVID-19.  On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, the first to be caused by coronavirus.  The WHO director said hope remains that COVID-19 can be curtailed, if actions are taken to curtail the disease.

As the status of the outbreak is rapidly evolving, we want to let our patients know what steps we are taking to address the situation in the office now, as well as what we recommend for our patients outside of the office.  This information is based on the most current updates from the World Health Organization, the CDC, the Illinois Department of Public Health, and other official sources. 

 The office always follows standard protocols for cleaning hard surfaces, especially patient contact surfaces.  At this time and previously we are cleaning all hard surface areas patient contact surfaces after each patient contact.  For other hard surfaces in patient exam areas, chairs and tables, counters and floors we are cleaning hourly and nightly disinfecting of surfaces.

In addition to our cleaning procedures following every patient visit, at the end of each day we are thoroughly disinfecting all hard surfaces, including door handles, drawer pulls, and vacuuming soft surfaces.  Bathrooms are cleaned and disinfected hourly and nightly.  We will continue to monitor updated information and will maintain cleaning protocols as recommended by health care officials. 

 We also share concern for our patients while they are out of the office.  The CDC has recommended the following everyday preventive actions to keep yourself and your family healthy:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Follow public health advice regarding school closures, avoiding crowds and other social distancing measures.
  • Stay informed. CDC’s COVID-19 Situation Summary will be updated regularly as information becomes available.

  Please feel free to call us at 630-226-5660 if you have questions about our office procedures as we work together to stem the spread of Coronavirus.


Dr. Miller, Rose & Staff

With the news flooded with this Pandemic  I wanted to put some natural ways to keep your immune system and your families immune system strong.  We carry and will pre order whatever you might need if you cannot get to the office to pick it up.

Herbs for the Cold & Flu . Here are some tips on naturally treating the flu, virus and other illnesses with herbal medicine. Also learn ways to increase your immunity and gut health.

DeStress Formula (DSF) by Nutriwest: This an immune support, it helps your body fight against disease, viruses, and bacteria. 

Total Multimune:  for the immune system by Nutriwest: We carry this at the office.

Zinc: nuts, legumes or a zinc supplement.We have Zinc at our office.

Vitamin C: Orange Juice is best:

High dosages of vitamin C (>1000 mg.) should not be taken by gout patients or by kidney stone formers. Vitamin C is contraindicated in iron overload disease.

Echinacea/Golden Seal ; Total VRX by Nutriwest: Carried at our officeD3 ; Bio-D emulsion by Biotics: We carry this at the office
Vit A - Bio  A emulsion by Biotics: We carry this at the office
Oil of Oregano ; ADP by Biotics: We carry this at the office
NAC Renew:  N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier with many properties, and it raises glutathione levels in the body.  NAC supplementation, as a building block, is an ideal way to bypass the digestive roadblock to successful cellular glutathione production. 

 Elderberry Syrup ; or our office

Thieves Oil ; Young Living Essential Oils; We carry this at the office On Guard Oil : doTerra Essential Oils: We carry this at the office

Gut Health: Probiotics : we carry them at the office or Kombucha Tea : Available in many grocery stores Fermenting Foods ; Sauerkraut, Kim Chi

Start boosting your immune system now: The stronger your immunity, the more likely your body is to fend off any invasion successfully. Reports say that those who have died have been older, weaker and with pre-existing serious health  conditions  So spray vitamin D3 under your tongue daily, and, particularly if you are vegetarian, up your levels of B12. 

Eat fresh foods and vegetables and limit sugar:

 If you feel like your getting sick or its already happened, the number one thing to do is stop eating sugar, this means candy and all forms of carbs.  This will allow your body to fight the bacteria or virus, instead of fighting the bad foods that are in your system. Drink plenty of fluids, like water.

Wash hands frequently and stop touching your face: We apparently touch our faces with our hands between 3 and 4 times an hour, transferring any bacteria or virus from the environment to our mouths, eyes, nose and ears. Touch a virus laden-kitchen surface, count a wad of notes or pick through the coins of your wallet or purse and you are unlikely to escape contamination. Credit card machines, mobile phones, door handles and simply shaking hands can transfer billions of unknown viruses from one person to another. Viruses can survive for several hours and replicate themselves during that period, multiplying exponentially.
The best thing to do is keep washing your hands throughout the day, and keep a pack of anti-bacterial wipes close by.

We have made some of our own wipes at home and the office: 2 part alcohol, 1 part water, 10 drops Orange Essential Oil, ( You can use On Guard Essential Oil or Thieves Oil).

Travel plans? Think carefully before getting on a plane or taking a cruise. Apart from being forced into close proximity with people who may have come from Pandemic infected areas, the real danger here, it seems to me, is in the recycled air that must contain billions if not trillions of invisible viruses and bacteria.  Have you noticed how often, either on the way to, or the way back from, your longed-for holiday, you get sick? The odds are that that is triggered by viruses in the multiple-use-air the airline companies so rarely change on their planes. The same holds true for below decks on the sealed recycled air cabins of the cruise liners. If you simply have to travel, invest in a small and inexpensive ionic air filtration system that you can hang around your neck and will allow you to breathe pure air into your lungs.  AirTamer Personal Air Purifier ( which cleans the air directly around you by removing viruses, bacteria and pollen.  Amazon has many also on their site.

Thinking about wearing a protective mask? The current advice is - don't waste your money. The white ones are virtually useless because they simply don't filter small enough particles. If that's something you are considering, take a look at the R-pur- a French-made mask that removes 99.98% of even the finest of particulates. Logically, that should work. (

Alkalize your body: The virus as most other diseases thrives in an acid environment. So get alkalizing your body and start by cutting out sugar, flour and processed foods. The more raw foods, vegetables and green juices you can add into your diet the better. Kombucha is good, also apple cider vinegar is the queen of alkalizing tonics: add two tablespoons - of the cloudy version - to a mug of warm water and drink throughout the day. Sauna: Book in for a sauna for the same reason. A normal sauna heats from the outside in; a far-infra red sauna from the inside out. Either way, set the heat control dial high and it sounds like there is a good possibility of destroying the virus before it can take a hold.

Elderberry syrup: Viruses clad themselves in sharp spikes, using them, like hedgehogs, to protect themselves and then to attack and overrun your healthy cells. Watch under a microscope and you will see a virus attach itself to the smooth walls of your cell and stick its spikes through your cell membrane, allowing it first to gain a foothold, then to colonize and rapidly multiply. Research has shown that protective compounds in the berries wipe out those viral spikes in a couple of days, preventing any further spreading. An Israeli study, looking at viruses and the efficacy of elderberry juice syrup, showed that those who took a daily dose recovered far quicker than the control group who didn’t take anything at all. 20% were better within 24 hours, 70% in 48 hours, and 90% had recovered completely in 3 days

Green Tea: Helps your body take the Zinc to where it needs to go.

Colloidal silver: You can buy this, in spray form, in most health stores. Amazon has it as well. Spray it up each nostril and at the back of your throat for anti-viral protection. One research test pitted 650 different viruses against it, and not one lived to tell the tale. I don't suppose anyone has trialed it against  a virus yet, but based on those numbers, it's worth adding to the medicine cupboard.  

Stock up on essential oils: Viruses are hard to destroy because they surround themselves with a strong protein shell which forms an impenetrable shield around them. Essential oils, however, seem to be able to break through it. Each one contains anything from 80-750 natural variants of chemical components, which used in combination, can obliterate almost any virus, efficiently and thoroughly. Put them in an infuser, add them to a glass of water or dilute and rub directly on your skin to strengthen your immunity and ward off the microbes.

On Guard oil: DoTerra makes my favorite range of essential oils, and the one I want to flag for protection against the bacteria and virus is On Guard, which is made up of a combination of clove bud, eucalyptus leaf, rosemary leaf and flower, cinnamon bark and leaf and wild orange peel. It smells, quite simply, and very deliciously, of Christmas. Not only does it boost immunity, but it also helps ward off and kill harmful bacteria and viruses.

I could only find one scientific test on this oil, and it was carried out on dogs not humans, but the researchers found that not only did On Guard weaken the flu virus that they were experimenting with but the oil prevented it from being able to replicate itself as strongly, making it easier for the immune system to overcome.

Thieves oil: Young Living's virus and bacteria equivalent is their powerful Thieves Oil blend. Based on a 15th century recipe that combines clove, rosemary and other botanicals it is inspired by the tale of four French robbers who raided the houses and graves of plaque victims, stealing jewelry and valuables, yet never succumbing to the dread disease. Eventually captured, they swapped torture (though they ended up on the gallows) for their secret recipe and centuries on we may all be indebted to them for their skill. Tests have proven the oil to successfully boost immunity.

And there you have it - that's what's in our anti-Pandemic cupboard. Whether it would actually work or not in a time of this crisis remains to be seen. But, according to the science, this medicine cabinet should have as good a chance as anything else that's currently on offer.

We are taking our supplements, getting plenty of sunshine, gentle aerobic exercise and eating healthy.  The old saying; "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" seems to have a renewed meaning.

Stay Well !

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